This is a fast-paced, action-packed thriller set in America at the beginning of a socioeconomic collapse. Although an innocent casualty of the chaos, one young man must discover his inner strength and defiant courage as he comes of age learning how to survive in the wasteland of failing services, unemployment, and violence.
With the economy in free fall, the government crippled by indecision, the streets taken over by new political parties, and the fragile institutions of civilization crumbling, a young man finds himself homeless and alone on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., facing certain death unless he can master survival skills he never imagined needing. Fending off violent citizens in an urban landscape that is gradually sliding into looting and mayhem, the protagonist emerges as an ultimate force of justice in a lawless land.
This compelling, fast-paced novel pulls readers in and lets them experience first-hand what life in the United States will be like as its teetering society begins to fall.