"Tales from My Hard Drive" is a romantic comedy that follows Melissa, a forty-year-old writer who moves from the suburbs of Los Angeles to New York City after finding her husband doing naked yoga-type maneuvers with another woman. Trying to find her place in a city run by the young and hip, she takes the best job offered her: that of a paid cyber-dater for The New York Beacon, anonymously dating and callously reviewing the myriad Mr. Wrongs who inhabit the Big Apple. Still brooding over her painful divorce, Melissa makes an art of exploiting her dates with New York’s not-so-finest for her increasingly popular Beacon articles. And then she meets the last man she wanted: the extraordinary and charismatic Ted, who just might be everything she’s looking for in a companion. But can Melissa’s recently broken heart accept him? She starts dating Ted, hiding from him her undercover dating gig, leading to a covert double life—dating in the 2D world for money and in the 3D world for love. Both lives get knocked senseless, however, when she unexpectedly falls for an online date who appears to be Mr. Right. Juggling two men and a secret job that requires her to date even more, Melissa finds herself in a poignant and comedic whirlwind that even she may not be able to write her way out of.