Torn from the Inside Out, extended edition, contains three chapters of The Journey, both by author, Sara Niles
When the Challenges of Life are Stranger than Fiction:
In 1987 Sara Niles fled for her life in the early predawn hours of a cold February morning, at the height of a raging thunderstorm, and with no money or possessions, only her five small children in tow. Desperate to escape with her life and the lives of her children, Sara knew one wrong decision could lead to her, and her children becoming just another domestic homicide statistic at the hands of her husband, the children’s father, Thomas Niles.
Sara had married Thomas Niles, a Vietnam War veteran, with troubling issues masked by an outwardly charming personality, when she was only sixteen years old, after reeling from upsetting personal losses.Sara had been given away as a small child by her birth mother, to be raised by elderly relatives in an idyllic farm setting; that is, until her elderly relatives began to succumb to old age and death. The lessons taught to her by her aged great-uncle and great-aunt would serve to guide her through the harrowing and troubled times to come, times that would severely test Sara’s fortitude and will to survive.
Told by the author in first person narrative, Torn From the Inside Out measures up to its meaning: “To suffer a pain so great as to tear the soul inside out”, (Excerpted).
Torn From the Inside Out is a tribute to the power of the human spirit under pressure, the internal power possessed by all, that is tapped in times of great trauma.
From the small child who sat hungry and neglected in a pile of sand, when she was saved by her aged uncle, to the twenty-nine year old young woman fleeing for her life, the story of Sara Niles reveals the depths of the author’s soul, and the intricacies of the author’s memory:
"In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free. Freedom has never been easily gained and has often come at high cost throughout history, but one thing I will always know is freedom is worth every fight, and all pain."
"In every life there is a timeless and unforgettable minute or day that will be forever etched into our mind’s memory. I have unforgettable memories that are so vivid that I see them in Technicolor, and I hear them with surround sound. Long after I am dead, I believe, I will remember. Two of those memories were the days of my escape to freedom…twice"
Sara Niles
I am Sara Niles and this is my story.
Excerpt from chapter one:
“Thunder rattled the window- panes two stories high, and lightning split the sky, it was as if the whole world was in turmoil that night. My nerves were keyed up as tight as piano strings, and in a sudden moment of stillness and silence, it felt as though my heartbeat was amplified ten times over. He was over a hundred pounds greater than I, and nearly a foot taller than I, and I knew he could move his muscled body into unbelievable sprints. Rain started falling in torrents as the storm raged outside. I was not afraid of the storms of nature; it was the storm inside this night that I knew I might not survive”
February 13th, 1987, the night of Sara Niles’ disappeared with her five small children.
Extended Edition includes 3 bonus chapters of The Journey, by Sara Niles