An ancient Blood Oath binds the loyalties of the secretive Lords Seventeen from birth until death. The bloody pact asserts itself when a sociopathic pirate robs the luxury cruise liner, Sun God Princess, owned by the cabal's interests. The pact is steeped in the ancestral blood of four centuries when Dutch traders were forced to fight together by land and sea for their survival during the violent beginnings of the company in the seventeenth century spice trade. Now the scions of this dangerous mega-corporation control the world from behind the scenes as royals, bureaucrats and powerful heads of modern global businesses willing to murder anyone that gets in their way. Unknown to the pirate, the 'Lords' are willing to chase him into hell to satisfy The Oath. Special Detective Johnny Blunt of Interpol and Dr. Hugh Witten, two unlikely friends, have been partnered by fate to become one of the worlds leading detective teams. They scramble to bring the wrongdoer to justice before the cabal's assassin's can murder him to satisfy the Blood Oath of the Eastern Star Company. The chase leads them on a thrilling international manhunt. Special Detective Johnny Blunt of Interpol and Dr. Hugh Witten, two unlikely friends, have been partnered by fate to become one of the worlds leading detective teams. They scramble to bring the wrongdoer to justice before the cabal's assassin's can murder him to satisfy the Blood Oath of the Eastern Star Company. The chase leads them on a thrilling international manhunt.