While Venus explodes, raining down a beautiful shower of devastating debris on its neighboring Planet Earth, Shay Collins' childhood is effectively ended when the remnants she is hit with etch the event into the very fabric of her being. Following the incident, Shay's exceptionally fast healing, pronounced with a vague greenish glow, lands her in the hands of Starfield's E.C.H.O.E. Research Facility. For the next four years they hold her hostage as a human lab rat, until Jared Kingston comes along and decides to save her. When Shay insists on bringing fellow lab rat, Aaron Miller, along for the escape things go awry; and Jared is caught. Shay must make the decision to keep running with Aaron, or go back to rescue Jared. Either way, the best and brightest at Starfield are not about to give up on Shay. They were going to send a secret weapon after her, even if that meant creating a new one!