Almost Heaven elevates children to a position of responsibility without losing their childlike wonder. Tales of the Protectors: Almost Heaven is an enchanting contemporary juvenile fiction that strives to captivate the reader into make-believing he/she could be chosen as a Protector, as well as Maxwell and his friends. When young Maxwell transports to Everwell, the training ground of the Protectors, through a turnstile in a local cemetery, he finds himself with a group of young people chosen from earth to assist and defend the human race. His team soon discovers there are special circumstances surrounding Maxwell which no one in authority wishes to reveal. Almost Heaven empowers young readers to imagine a place broader than the universe and to trust their instincts to solve problems which may pop-up unexpectedly. It is unique in the concept of children assuming great responsibility for others and appeals to readers who wish to relate to their character. The pivotal problem faced by the children towards the end of Almost Heaven forces them to choose whether they will go along with those in charge to attempt a rescue of their friend or will Maxwell possibly sacrifice himself to save his friend.