In this bestselling novel by the authors of THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, a massive comet breaks apart and bombards the Earth, with catastrophic results: worldwide earthquakes, volanic eruptions, thousand-foot tidal waves and seemingly endless rain.. With civilization in ruins, individuals band together to survive and to build a new society. "A MEGATON OF SUSPENSEFUL EXCITEMENT ...which should keep readers going non-stop, cover to cover" -- Booklist.
"A work in the grand tradition...even the miracle of Sensurround may be inadequate to convey all the imaginative reverberations." - Los Angeles Times
"A 'Disaster' thriller of rare quality ...for its expertise and the scale of its apocalypse...Strings out the suspense almost unbearably." - John Barkham Reviews
"The first satisying end-of-the-world novel in years ultimate one...massively entertaining." Cleveland Plain-Dealer
"Take your earthquakes, waterlogged condominiums, swarms of bugs, colliding airplanes and flaming what-nnots, wrap them up and they wouldn't match one page of LUCIFER'S HAMMER for sweaty-palmed suspense." - Chicago Daily News