In compiling this book I have made use largely of my own notes, taken at various times during the last fifty years, and considerably supplemented for the present purpose. But I do not pretend not to have drawn upon other people's work. Guide-books, in particular the Little Guides, have been most useful, and the Transactions of the Archteological Societies of the two counties, though these I have not consulted as much as I might have done. My debts to Blomefleld's Norfolk and to Clement Ingleby's Supplement thereto are evident; but a very special acknowledgment is due to Mr. H. R. Barker, of the Bury Museum, for his excellent gazetteer, as it may be called, of Suffolk, published at Bury in 1907-9 in two divisions, for West and East Suffolk; it contains photographs of every church in the county, and a succinct description of each parish. It has been invaluable to me, and often have I wished that someone in .Jtforfolk had carried out a similar survey of that county. Other books that have helped me find mention in my text there, too, I have tried to show my consciousness that much is wanting. Still, I believe that there are an appreciable number of facts newly recorded, and many newly brought together here. The Index is the work of Miss M. H. James.
I have many early associations which endear these two great counties to me, and the attempt to expound some of their manifold attractions to those who live in them and those who visit them has been a very pleasant task.