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Books set in Hayle, England, United Kingdom
set in
United Kingdom
South West
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Hayle, West Cornwall and Helston Railways (Library of Railway History)
G.H. Anthony
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The Harveys of Hayle: Engine-Builders, Shipwrights and Merchants of Cornwall
Edmund Vale
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Mines and Miners of Cornwall V : Hayle, Gwinear and Gwithian
A. K. Hamilton Jenkin
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Pathfinder Maps: Camborne (South) and Hayle Sheet 1365
Ordnance Survey
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Funding the Ladder: The Passmore Edwards Legacy
Dean Evans
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Books set nearby
25 books set in the area
Sketches of St. Ives
by Sue Lewington
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Carn Brea, Illogan
by Roger Mercer
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Walking in Penwith
by David Chapman
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St. Ives Artists: Peter Lanyon
by Margaret Garlake
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Alfred Wallis, St. Ives Artists
by Matthew Gale
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An Equal Stillness
by Francesca Kay
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Humphry Davy: Science and Power
by David Knight
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The Accidental Mother
by Rowan Coleman
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To the End of Her Days
by Malcolm Macdonald
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Wycliffe and the Guild of Nine
by W. J. Burley
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A Woman Possessed
by Malcolm MacDonald
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The St Ives Artists
by Michael Bird
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Historical Descriptions of Camborne
by Chris Bond
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The Little Country
by Charles de Lint
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Twenty Questions for Gloria
by Martyn Bedford
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Angel with Two Faces
by Nicola Upson
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The Shining Sands: Artists in Newlyn and St.Ives, 1880-1930
by Tom Cross
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Christopher Wood: St. Ives Artists
by Virginia Button
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To Perish in Penzance
by Jeanne M. Dams
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My So-called Life: the Tragically Normal Diary of Rachel Riley
by Joanna Nadin
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Harnessing Peacocks
by Mary Wesley
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St Ives Artists: A Companion
by Virginia Button
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Sandra Blow
by Michael Bird
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The Duke of Sin
by Adele Ashworth
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Name to a Face
by Robert Goddard
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Gwinear (1 book)
Cottage (1 book)
Gwithian (6 books)
St. Ives (33 books)
Ludgvan (1 book)
St Michael's Mount (5 books)
Crowan (1 book)
Penwith District (10 books)
Camborne (13 books)