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Books set in Shengxian, Zhejiang, CN
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The Death of Woman Wang
Jonathan D. Spence
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21 books set in the area
All Roads Led to Shanghai
by Clio Calodoukas
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Life and Death in Shanghai
by Nien Cheng
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Gudao, Lone Islet: The War Years in Shanghai - A Childhood Memoir
by Margaret Blair
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The Book and the Sword
by Louis Cha
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Pearl Buck in China: Journey to The Good Earth
by Hilary Spurling
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Red Mandarin Dress
by Xiaolong Qiu
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The Binding Chair or, A Visit from the Foot Emancipation Society
by Kathryn Harrison
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Miracles of Life
by J. G. Ballard
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The House of Velvet and Glass
by Katherine Howe
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The Flying Boat. A Story of Adventure and Misadventure
by Herbert Strang
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Farewell, Shanghai
by Angel Wagenstein
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Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth
by Christopher Golden
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The Devil Soldier: The American Soldier of Fortune Who Became a God in China
by Caleb Carr
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French Concession
by Xiao Bai
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by Andrew Forbes
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Death of a Red Heroine
by Xiaolong Qiu
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Miss Chopsticks
by Xinran
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Lonely Planet Shanghai Encounter
by Christopher Pitts
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The Kindness of Women
by J. G. Ballard
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Country Driving: A Chinese Road Trip
by Peter Hessler
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All the Flowers in Shanghai: A Novel
by Duncan Jepson
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