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Books set in Greene County
2 books set in Greene County
United States
Greene County
Proper Intentions
Dianne Christner
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Computer assisted indexing in the Central State University library
George L. Gardiner
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Books set nearby
4 books set in neighbouring counties
Guided by Voices: A Brief History: Twenty-One Years of Hunting Accidents in the Forests of Rock and Roll
by James Greer
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Imperfect Souls
by Lisa Boucher
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The Kindness of Strangers
by Katrina Kittle
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Introducing . . . The Sky Blazers
by Jack Jacobson
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Beavercreek (1 book)
Central State University (1 book)
Clinton (2 books)
Montgomery (32 books)
Greene County, Missouri, United States
Greene County, Alabama, United States
Greene County, Georgia, United States
Greene, GA, US
Greene County, Tennessee, United States
Greene, AL, US
Greeneville, TN, US
Greene County, Illinois, United States
Greene County, North Carolina, United States
Greene County, Pennsylvania, United States
Greene, IL, US
Greene, NC, US
Greene, PA, US
Greene, TN, US
Greene County, Virginia, United States
Greene County, New York, United States
Greene County, Mississippi, United States
Greene, MS, US